The Echochambers

In the second edition of our four-part series on Catholic blogging, we take a look at the downsides of the medium, and how Catholics can respond to the negative effects of the blogging world with compassion, dialogue, and faith.

We begin the episode talking to the ever-so-wonderful, Jenny Uebbing, of Mama Needs Coffee. Jenny has blogged for over a decade and is still considered one of the Church’s most thoughtful and influential voices in the digital world (including winning the exciting Sheenazing award for Best blog this past summer!)

Jenny Uebbing, “Mama Needs Coffee”

Tito Edwards has been blogging since his return to the Catholic Church back in 2006, and has made an extensive imprint on the Catholic blogging world in that time. His work includes blogging for the National Catholic Register, launching the blogging platform Catholic Stand, and Big Pulpit.

Sarah Babbs is an old friend from our days in college, and I’ve watched in awe as she’s honestly and authentically blogged her journey of faith over the past decade. I am so grateful to talk about her journey in blogging and her blog, Fumbling Towards Grace.

And finally, this episode highlights the work of Jessica Mesman Griffith and the folks at Sick Pilgrim, a blog featured on the Catholic Patheos Channel. We have chosen to feature them in this series because of their honest, vulnerable, and out-of-the box discussions about doubt and suffering. You do not have to agree with everyone on their blog to be able to appreciate their honesty and, frankly, engage in dialogue with them.

Jessica Mesman Griffith, “Sick Pilgrim”

For this week’s “Feature Stories,” we highlight the amazing work of the wedding/bridal blog Spoken Bride. An episode featuring the origins of this blog launches Monday, November 12.

We’ll see you then 🙂

Blessings, Jules

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