Humanae Vitae in the Era of Protest

Humane Vitae in the Era of Protest

Have you ever wondered how things changed so quickly in our Catholic story in America? How did we go from strong, internal subcultures to a drastic vocational crisis and a liturgy radically sanitized? How did the “cafeteria Catholicism” happen in the first place? And seriously, what is the deal with Catholics and Humanae Vitae?

In today’s episode, we enter into the chaos of the 1960s, a decade which changed the world (and the Catholic Church) forever. Through the medium of music (and, of course, with the help of our experts), we get to the bottom of how things changed so drastically for Catholic Americans in a single ten-year period.

For more information about our experts for this series, please see our last post.

For this episode, we also introduce two new scholars, each with expertise on the history leading up to Humanae Vitae and the subsequent impact on the Church.

First, my dear old friend from graduate school, David Demboski, walks us through the devastating collapse of the spiritual life of the Catholic Church in America as a result of the publication of this encyclical. (By the way, check out David’s awesome new project for the Church!)

And second, we speak with Dr. Angela Franks about the history leading up to this document, including the influence of eugenics in Christian circles and broader society.

Are you more curious about some of the reactions to Humanae Vitae? Here’s a great article by Cardinal Stafford about how popular dissent was among priests, and what this did to lay culture.

Music for today’s episode:

Words and music by Shaun Garrison. © 2015 Shaun Garrison. As recorded on Exceeding  All rights reserved. Used by permission. 

“The Pill” Loretta Lynn.
Produced by Owen Bradley© 1975 As recorded Back to the Country.  All rights reserved. Used according to Fair Use regulations”

“Change is Gonna Come”  Sam Cooke
Produced by Hugo and Luigi© 1964 As recorded Ain’t That Good News.  All rights reserved. Used according to Fair Use regulations

“Fortunate Son” Creedence Clearwater Revival
Words and music by John Fogerty© 1969 As recorded Willy and the Poor Boys.  All rights reserved. Used according to Fair Use regulations

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